Howdy Partner ;)

Yes, it’s true. I am now an official YouTube Partner! Well, I’ve been one for about a week, so you might have noticed the super cool new banner and other fun stuff. I finally uploaded a video announcing it though.

Other than that, I’m leaving for VidCon tomorrow. YAY! I’m super excited to be a part of the first VidCon and I’m sure it’s going to be crazy. One place filled with a ton of YouTubers. Yah, I can only imagine. I’m going to be there and a ton of other YouTubers are going to be there. Hopefully some of you are going to be there! If you are going, I need to see your beautiful faces 🙂 So I’m pretty much rambling because I’m stoked and this usually happens when I get excited. I need to stop haha. I really cannot wait to see everyone though. If you weren’t lucky enough to get a ticket (VidCon is officially SOLD OUT 🙁 Boo!), then there is always next year. I definitely recommend getting your tickets early. So if you can’t make it this time around, I better see you at VidCon 2011.. and IMATS 2011!

Until next time, my loves <3

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